Published December 1, 2015 by Kathleen's Writings & Art


It is elevating to retrace my footsteps

In the direction of the mountains,

To gaze at the new fallen snow,

To witness the glistening of icicles

And how they form in the sun –

In my spirit I have returned home,

I fathom my journey at this moment,

And it ensued into a long-lasting one.

I appear as before in outward view,

A few more lines, a few more pounds,

A softened heart, I wear no mask,

And childlike notions—I allocated—

I outgrew.

In my own right on a midsummer night,

In my sentiment—mountains reminiscent of,

My muse arising depositing poetry at task.

By way of a pen—my contemplation

Obtaining shape,

My face against the wind,

My essence engaged in words realigned,

Together with a stillness of reason

And spirit unconfined,

Mysterious language assembling,

Selected in the same way

As a trusted friend,

In my spirit I have returned home.

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